UI-View32 FAQ

This page contains a collection of frequently asked questions and answers taken (mostly) from the software support group ui-view@yahoogroups.com

  • ActiveX Error 429 ?

    One of the files installed in the UI-View32 program folder is ssubtmr6.dll. Almost certainly, you, or another program, has either deleted that file or unregistered it. The solution is -

    1. Replace the file if you or something else has deleted it.
    2. Register the file using regsvr32 from Start, Run. The required command will be something like this (the exact command depends on where you have installed UI-View32) - regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Peak Systems\UI-View32\ssubtmr6.dll"
  • TH-D7 No Height Data ?

    The D7 can only pass one sentence to a program using it in TNC mode. The UI-View32 command file for the D7 selects the $GPRMC sentence by default. You can get height by changing it to $GPGGA, but you'll then lose course and speed.

  • PMapServer isn't properly rendering the map in UI-View32 ?

    It's almost certainly a video card problem. Look for updated drivers, or try turning the acceleration down a notch.

  • Default KISS Settings ?

    Edit UIVIEW32.INI, delete the whole of the [KISS] section, and the default values will be restored the next time you run the program.

    A similar tactic can be used to restore any aspect of the program back to the defaults, you just need to look through UIVIEW32.INI and find the appropriate bit. UIVIEW32.INI does not exist in a newly installed system, all the default values are in the program

  • Error message is: Error 7 ?

    Here's what I said the last time someone had this problem. The main point is that the error is caused by a problem with your Windows system, not by a problem with UI-View32. Some possibilities -

    1. You have only installed a UI-View32 update, not a full version.
    2. Another app has messed up some of your Microsoft run-time libraries.

    The solution to '1' is obvious. '2' may be more difficult, but you could try uninstalling UI-View32 (from Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs), rebooting, and reinstalling.

    As a general comment about '2' - I'm amazed that some reputable, and very popular, ham radio programs still have "install.bat" files that do things like this:-

    • copy xxxx.exe c:\windows\system\xxxx.exe
    • copy xxxx.OCX c:\windows\system\xxxx.OCX
    • copy xxxx.DLL c:\windows\system\xxxx.DLL

    ('xxxx' is put in so it isn't too obvious what program I'm talking about...)

    Copying files into WINDOWS\SYSTEM or WINDOWS\SYSTEM32, without any version checking, is a recipe for disaster, and the worst thing is that it probably doesn't have any adverse effect on the program that does it!

  • Can't create "AutoRedraw image" ?

    This problem is related to the size of maps it's too big. You could try -

    1. Reduce the colour depth in Windows.
    2. Use Win2k or WinXP.

    But you will almost certainly need to break it up into smaller maps. Why do you want such a huge area loaded, when you can't seen most of it?

    A much smaller scale map covering the whole area, with a number or large scale, perhaps slightly overlapping, maps within it, would be a better arrangement.

  • UI-View32 with Kenwood D700 (KISS mode) ?

    Put it into "TNC PKT" mode manually before you start UI-View.

    Having said that, I thought I would try something I've kept meaning to test. Don't try it until you have successfully got KISS mode working by putting the D700 into "TNC PKT" mode manually.

    In "KISS Setup" put the following four lines as your "Into KISS" commands, and it will put the D700 into KISS mode irrespective of what TNC mode it is in when UI-View starts up. This will work with both UI-View(16) and UI-View32. I would recommend using copy and paste for the first line.

    • ^C^MAI 1^MTC 1^MTNC 2^MTC 0^M^M
    • MON OFF
    • KISS ON

    If anyone finds this doesn't work with their D700, then add another ^M or two to the end of the first line. Each one adds about a second to the delay between opening the TNC in packet mode and sending the commands.

  • Does the 32bit version alow you to select and area with your mouse and zoom in on it like WinAPRS did?

    Draw and drag a box with the control key held down. It will show a magnified area in a popup window

  • Can UI-Webserver FTP to my website ?

    No UI-Webserver is a self sufficent web server and users connect to this web server which is running on your computer rather than your ISP's webserver.

  • I'm using Zone Alarm Pro on my UI-View32 machine, which is connected to the internet via a dsl/router/network switch and DSL. The UI-View32 machine is outside the firmware firewall that is part of the dsl/router. How do I configure Zone Alarm to permit outsiders to view my UI-View32 web-server page? (and not compromise security terribly?)

    Open port 80, assuming you are using the default port in UI-WebServer, or whatever port you are using.

    If your router is using NAT, you also need to route port 80 from the WAN (internet) to the PC on your LAN that is running the server.

    The security issue in these situations is often misunderstood. I never use a firewall, because NAT provides adequate protection from incoming attacks. The only additional protection you get from a firewall is protection against spyware, Trojans, etc, trying to connect out. But there are better ways to deal with those issues other than waiting for your firewall to inform you that your PC has already been compromised.

    Once you open port 80, you will see attacks from time to time, but all they are trying to do is exploit known vulnerabilities in Microsoft products such as IIS. They have no effect against other servers.

  • How do you access UI-WebServer from the internet

    To test that UI-WebServer is working, you start it from the UI-View32 File menu, then you open your browser on the PC on which it is running, and input the URL http://localhost or, if you have changed the port for some reason http://localhost:8080 or whatever port you are using. Unless you have a firewall with crazy settings, it will work.

    (Even if you don't want to access the server from anywhere else, it is well worth giving it a try, because it provides you with another user interface to the data in UI-View32.)

    That is all there is to testing UI-WebServer. If you can access it from localhost, then, with a proper network configuration, you can access it from anywhere. Any problems beyond that point are not specifically related to UI-WebServer, they are about TCP/IP networking, how to configure a router, etc.

    Accessing a server (any server) from the internet

    If you use a router with NAT, then your own WAN (internet) IP address cannot be accessed from the LAN side of the router. The LAN side of the router being the side your own PC(s) is/are on. However, to be able to test whether a server is accessible from the internet, you need to be able to access it from the WAN side of your router.

    You can do that by connecting to the internet yourself via another connection, you can ask someone else to try and access it, or you can use a test facility that will try and access it.

    http://www.samspade.org/ provides a test facility specifically for this purpose. If you input the URL of your server in the Browse option, and it is accessible from the internet, then you will see *the text* of your page. It only shows the text, because it is a test facility - if you want to see what your pages look like, then access the server from the PC on which it is running, or another PC on your LAN.

    Unless you have a static IP then you will need to use a dynamic DNS service such as www.dyndns.org to give you an easy to remember address of your choosing and the ability to change you IP and still be able to access your UI-Webserver

  • Can UI-View32 be used on Windows Vista?

    UI-View32 can be used on Windows Vista but you need to tick "run as administrator" otherwise it will hang with the egg timer mouse pointer

  • I am wanting to show a track of a station in realtime as the station moves. Is there an Addon for this?

    Yes. UI-Route and/or UI-HeighTrack

  • Is there a possibility to start the UI-View minimized?

    Use a batch file, a portion of which is show below.

    • C:
    • CD "\Program Files\UI-View32"
    • START Uiview32.exe /MIN
  • The UI-View32 help file does not work on Vista

    You can download this patch Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) for Windows Vista

  • How to change the registered callsign in UI-View32?

    1. Shutdown UI-View32
    2. Delete the uireg.bin file in the UI-View32 directory
    3. Restart UI-View32

    UI-View32 will then prompt you for your new callsign/registration details