Telford's Unusual Weather Blog

Unusual weather events related to Telford, Shropshire

  • Telford "Unusual Weather" Blog

    Date Type Value Comment
    10-May-2024 Aurora Super Visible / Naked Eye

    This aurora / northern lights event will go down in history as one of the most easily viewed in the UK (of modern times). The G5 (KP9) storm was brought on by a conveyer belt of 6 X-class solar flares of which the 1st few disturbed earth's magnetic field so severely that it caused an aurora corona to form over the UK resulting in overhead (not to the north) multi-coloured displays to the delight of many aurora watchers around the UK and beyond. My photos from Telford are below:

    This picture shows a green turquise aurora curtain hovering way above the town of Wellington with the shining street lights below This is an aurora picture that shows a gradient of aurora colours from red through to purple, blue and then green Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK
    Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK
    Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK Picture of Aurora Borealis over Telford Shropshire UK

    The following photos are taken with / from my phone as opposed to my DSLR. As you can see from the pictures my phone camera was able capture way more of the aurora (than the DSLR), in a single frame. (albeit at a reduced resolution).

    The photo shows a rippled radiating aurora corona overhead towards the horizon in Telford Shropshire UK The picture of aurora shows a vertical beam stretching diagonally from the overhead aurora corona down to the horizon behind a house in Telford Shropshire UK This picture shows the aurora overhead of the observer and it's an aurora corona with multiple field lines radianting out from a central point in the colours red, green and pinkish white in Telford Shropshire UK This picture of the aurora over The Rock in Telford Shropshire shows a purple sky with purple beams aurora running vertically with a green rippled aurora curtain reaching up from the horizon
    This picture shows a green turquise aurora curtain hovering way above the town of Wellington with the shining street lights below

    Download a large (16MB) panoramic of the aurora as visible over Wellington, Telford.

    Camera settings used:

    My Nikon D90 DSLR had the exposure set to 30 seconds with an ISO of 640 and a F stop of 3.5 on a fixed camera stand.

    My Google Pixel phone was on night vision (handheld) and exposed for a mere second or 2

    I also made a GIF of the Aurora Corona

    16-Apr-2024 Aurora Visible telford aurora borealis 2024

    Another decent showing of Aurora, although not as impressive as the thick green aurora arc that was visible on Shetland Webcam 3, at the same time

    21-Dec-2023 Nacreous Visible Nacreous Clouds in Telford
    Nacreous Clouds in Telford

    The rare weather phenomenon of nacreous "mother of pearl" clouds were visible over Telford on this day. Nacreous clouds are caused by high altitude ice crystals in the atmosphere scattering the light into "pearl like" rainbows

    05-Nov-2023 Aurora Visible 2023 continues to be an amazing year for seeing the aurora in England
    07-to-10 Oct-2023 Temp Peak 23c Very warm for October
    18-Sep-2023 Aurora Visible A purple haze was visible towards the northern horizon
    05-to-09 Sep-2023 Temp ~27c After a disappointing summer of weather September surprised us with an unprecedented heat wave with 5 days of lovely sunshine and temperatures around 27c
    23-Apr-2023 Aurora Visible behind the clouds I'm sure it was wonderful above the clouds
    23-Mar-2023 Aurora Visible A video of the aurora borealis as seen from The Rock in Telford Shropshire UK at 52 degrees north latitude (I still can't quite believe it)
    10-Mar-2023 Snow 11cm Long mynd snow 2023
    23-Feb-2023 Aurora Visible telford aurora borealis 2023
    2022 2022 2022 2022
    10-to-14 Aug-2022 Temp 30c+ 2022's second (but more prolonged) heatwave with daytime temperatures in Telford above 30c for 4 days, peaking at 32c
    19-Jul-2022 Temp 35c+ Shropshire (35c+) and the wider UK (40c+) record new temperature records during a short but intense period of very hot weather.
    18-Jul-2022 Temp 35c+ Hot Weather
    2021 2021 2021 2021
    19-Dec-2021 Fog Inversion "Above the fog" filmed from The Wrekin in Telford Shropshire
    16-to-22 Jul-2021 Temp ~30c 6 day Heat Wave
    2020 2020 2020 2020
    12-Aug-2020 Temp 31c Hot Weather
    31-Jul-2020 Temp 32c Hot Weather
    10-Jul-2020 Clear Comet Neo Wise Comet neowise visible from Telford
    09-Feb-2020 Storm Ciara 60+ Mph Gusts UK wide storm
    2019 2019 2019 2019
    25-Jul-2019 Temp 31c Heat wave
    23-Jul-2019 Temp 30c Heat wave
    21-Jun-2019 Clear Noctilucent Clouds Noctilucent Clouds visible from Telford 2019
    28-Feb-2019 Temp 10.5c End of heat wave temps returning to normal and it's raining!
    27-Feb-2019 Temp 16.8c  
    26-Feb-2019 Temp 17.3c Peak tempearature (of heat wave)
    25-Feb-2019 Temp 15.8c  
    21-Feb-2019 February heat wave 21/02 to 27/02 15c A strong jet stream channelled very warm air from the Caribbean into the UK leading to record breaking February temperatures.
    2018 2018 2018 2018
    07-Jul-2018 to 28-Jul-18 Heat wave part 2 Max Peaked Tuesday 26th
    22-Jun-2018 to 15th Jul Heat wave Max 29c Peaked Tuesday 26th
    ??? May-2018 Light... Max 29c
    18-Mar-2018 Heavy Snow 11cm In a slight re-run of the 3rd of March, the so called "Mini-Beast from the East" brought significant snow showers across the country albeit short lived compared to the previous event
    03-Mar-2018 Heavy Snow 7cm Sudden Stratospheric Warming above the Arctic caused a switch from westerly winds to easterlies. This dragged in winds from Siberia & the Arctic helped on by a high-pressure system parked over Scandinavia. The media termed this "The Beast from the East" as temperatures plummeted to minus double figures across the country which facilitated extensive wind and snow. Around Shropshire there were drifts from very powdery dry snow in excess of 6ft which then caused havoc for country roads as the snow blew off fields into lanes
    2017 2017 2017 2017
    10-Dec-2017 Heavy Snow 9/25cm 25cm total accumulation
    08-Dec-2017 Heavy Snow 16cm The Wrekin covered in snow
    16-Oct-2017 Hurricane Ophelia Orange Sky n/a Hurricane Ophelia as seen as a category 1 storm off the coast of Portugal HERE swept passed Ireland/UK on the 16th and dragged up Saharan dust turning the sky orange in Telford as shown HERE Category 1 Hurricane Ophelia
    19-Sep-2017 Funnel Cloud n/a Funnel cloud spotted over Telford as described here looks to have been a Tornado over Wolverhampton
    2016 2016 2016 2016
    19-Jul-2016 Heat 34c Mini heat wave (2/3 days) temperatures peaked at 34c in my Garden, Shawbury reported max of 32c
    27-Apr-2016 Light Snow & Large hail    
    16-Apr-2016 Snow 2cm  
    2015 2015 2015 2015
    21-Dec-2015 Aurora Visible telford aurora borealis 2015
    17-Nov-2015 Wind 66Mph+ Storm Barney recorded a wind speed of 66Mph at Shawbury (at 196ft) up here in Telford at 600ft I'm sure it was a lot stronger. I think Telford needs it own official met office weather station to account for the 400ft difference. Anyhow the storm caused a lot of local damage with plenty of fence panels down and a few tree's
    2014 2014 2014 2014
    26-Dec-2014 Snow 2cm Almost a white Christmas
    31-Oct-2014 Sunny & Warm 18c in Telford. It was the warmest Halloween on record with Kent recording 23.5c Unseasonably warm and sunny
    25-Aug-2014 Wet n/a A wet bank holiday but a photogenic low pressure system
    09-Mar-2014 Sunny & Warm 16.4c Unseasonably warm and sunny
    12-Feb-2014 Wind 76Mph After the relentless low pressure after low pressure system Wednesday saw a major storm with hurricane force (>74 Mph) winds go through the UK. Shawbury recorded a gust of 76Mph and locally a number of tress have fallen down.
    05-Jan-2014 General General Huge low pressure system sitting in the Atlantic, see satellite image
    2013 2013 2013 2013
    27-Dec-2013 Wind Gust 59 Mph Another winter storm, see satellite image low-center is to the left of Scotland
    06-July-2013 Heat Wave Peak 29c It's not often I can use the this particular category; Heat Wave temperature in the mid to high 20's between 6th July and 21st July with pretty much wall to wall sunshine. 22nd 30+ degrees c temperatures in the day and still 24c at 22:45 in the evening
    24-Mar-2013 Snow 3cm 20 cm of accumulated snow and snow drifts up to 27cm
    23-Mar-2013 Snow 7cm 17cm of accumulated snow and snow drifts up to 22cm
    22-Mar-2013 Snow 10cm  
    16-Mar-2013 Snow 2cm  
    11-Mar-2013 Snow Showers n/a Snow Shower, then Sunshine; Snow Shower, then Sunshine...repeat
    10-Mar-2013 Light Snow n/a  
    10-Feb-2013 Snow 5cm Snow
    20-Jan-2013 Snow 4cm Light Snow - All Day
    18-Jan-2013 Snow 14cm Heavy Snow
    2012 2012 2012 2012
    04-Apr-2012 Snow 3cm  
    24-Mar-2012 Warm & Sunny 19c Unseasonably (being able to sit outside) warm weather
    04-Feb-2012 Snow 3cm  
    02-Feb-2012 Temp -10.1c  
    03-Jan-2012 09:00 Wind Speed 40 Mph Gust 55 Mph
    2011 2011 2011 2011
    08-Dec-2011 12:00 Wind Speed 40 Mph Gust 60 Mph local; storm over Scotland Cairngorn registered 165mph
    28-Sep-2011 Indian Summer Hot Heat wave at the end of September which recorded the following temperatures at Shawbury:
    • Wed 28/9 =25.6c
    • Thu 29/9 =26.5c
    • Fri 30/9 =26.8c
    • Sat 1/10 =27.8c
    • Sun 2/10 =23.1c
    Summer 2011 Dry No Rain Driest summer in the Midlands since 1976
    07-Feb-2011 12:00 Wind Speed 40 Mph Gust 60 Mph
    08-Jan-2011 Snow 2cm  
    2010 2010 2010 2010
    22-Dec-2010 Snow 15cm Nationally the coldest December on record
    19-Dec-2010 Temp -14.3c Shawbury recorded -19c
    18-Dec-2010 Snow 10cm  
    02-Dec-2010 Snow   6cm cumulative total of snow
    28-Nov-2010 Temp -10.8c Shawbury recorded -12.5c the lowest November temperature since 1946
    11-Nov-2010 Wind Speed 54 Mph  
    20-Feb-2010 Snow 2cm  
    13-Jan-2010 Snow 4cm 11cm cumulative total of snow since the 5th
    10-Jan-2010 Snow 2cm  
    08-Jan-2010 Temp -9.2c  
    05-Jan-2010 Snow 4cm Declared longest cold snap for 29 years caused by a blocking high across Scotland bringing in winds from Arctic/Finland direction
    2009 2009 2009 2009
    05-Feb-2009 Snow 10cm  
    03-Feb-2009 Snow 10cm  
    06-Jan-2009 08:30 Temp -10.9c  
    2008 2008 2008 2008
    31-Dec-2008 Fog Inversion The Wrekin above the fog looking over to long mynd
    17-Feb-2008 07:00 Temp -7.1c  
    16-Feb-2008 10:00 High Pressure 1043mb  
    28-Oct-2008 07:00 Snow 2cm bit early
    2007 2007 2007 2007
    20-Jul-2007 Daily Rain 38.6mm Huge flood in Gloucester, Tewkesbury becomes an island and the summer is declared the wettest in 300 years
    25-Jun-2007 Daily Rain 71.1mm 2.8 inches extensive flooding across England and Wales including Coalbrookdale
    19-Jun-2007 Daily Rain 31.6mm Also lightning ~12 flashes
    13-May-2007 Daily Rain 64.2mm 2.5 inches
    08-Feb-2007 Heavy Snow 10cm  
    2006 2006 2006 2006
    24-Sep-2006 Hourly Rain 12.4mm  
    15-Sep-2006 Daily Rain 22.2mm  
    17-Aug-2006 13:00 Lightning ~5 Flashes  
    23-May-2006 05:09 Min Temp 1.3c Cold for May
    09-May-2006 Daily Rain 20.2mm  
    09-Apr-2006 13:00 Snow 0.2cm Snow shower
    06-Apr-2006 Snow 0.5cm Light covering
    12-Mar-2006 Snow 3cm  
    03-Mar-2006 01:40 Min Temp -7.9c  
    02-Mar-2006 Snow 3cm  
    23-Feb-2006 Snow 1cm  
    07-Jan-2006 Snow 1cm  
    2005 2005 2005 2005
    29-Dec-2005 04:58 Min Temp -8.6c  
    28-Dec-2005 04:18 Min Temp -7.2c  
    28-Nov-2005 Snow 2cm  
    19-Nov-2005 07:56 Min Temp -6.3c Last couple of nights have been around -5c
    09-Nov-2005 Daily Rain 21.7mm  
    04-Sep-2005 19:30 Lightning ~25 Flashes 7.7mm rain
    29-Jun-2005 18:00 Lightning ~4 Flashes  
    28-Jun-2005 19:00 Lightning ~20 Flashes Lasted for about 3 hours
    24-Jun-2005 07:00 Lightning ~4 Flashes 7.8mm of rain
    19-Jun-2005 18:00 Lightning ~2 Flashes 16mm of rain in the same hour caused flash floods around shropshire
    21-May-2005 15:00 Lightning ~2 Flashes 8.2mm of rain in the same hour
    01-May-2005 03:00 Lightning ~6 Flashes Also a few more around 04:20
    30-Mar-2005 Daily Rain 40.9mm None stop rain for 27 hours from 1800 on 29th
    22-Feb-2005 - 25-Feb-2005 Snow 1 cm 4 days of snow showers but only a brief 1cm covering of snow
    21-Jan-2005 Aurora Visible telford aurora borealis 2005
    09-Jan-2005 09:58 Wind Speed 25.1 Mph  
    08-Jan-2005 10:35 Wind Speed 28.5 Mph Blew the fence panel out in the early hours of the morning
    2004 2004 2004 2004
    25-Dec-2004 21:30 Snow 1cm White Christmas
    19-Dec-2004 22:29 Min Temp -5.8c  
    18-Nov-2004 18:30 Snow Light Covering  
    23-Oct-2004 14:30 Lightning ~3 Flashes Daily Rain 23.3mm
    11-Sep-2004 Daily Rain 24.8mm Hourly rain max 15mm
    24-Aug-2004 12:55 Hourly Rain 12.4mm  
    23-Aug-2004 Daily Rain 31mm Lightning around 14:45 also dumped 10.3mm of rain in the same hour
    12-Aug-2004 16:00 Lightning ~12 Flashes  
    5-Aug-2004 17:00 Lightning ~10 Flashes Sunny skies to black Cb clouds in a short space of time. Then thunder, torrential rain and then back to sunny skies within an hour
    3-Aug-2004 07:30 Lightning ~6 Flashes Fairly short lived although did dump 9.3mm of rain in a hour
    8-July-2004 Max Temp 11.1c Coldest day in July recorded, along with 20.2mm of rain overnight
    4-July-2004 19:20 Funnel   Funnel cloud spotted over Oakengates
    23-June-2004 Daily Rain 24.3 mm Deep depression in the summer
    16-Apr-2004 01:13 Wind Speed 29.0 Mph Freak wind
    20-Mar-2004 13:29 Wind Speed 24.8 Mph Broke a few fence panels
    12-Mar-2004 00:00 Snow 1 cm  
    01-Mar-2004 07:08 Temp -7.6  
    27-Feb-2004 00:00 Snow 1 cm  
    03-Feb-2004 10:14 Wind Speed 25.1 Mph  
    28-Jan-2004 15:00 Snow 2 cm Clap of thunder heard before snow started
    2003 2003 2003 2003
    01-Jan-2003 20:09 Wind Speed 24.8 Mph  
    31-Dec-2003 03:40 Outside Temp -5.7c  
    01-Dec-2003 Daily Rain 21.7 mm  
    14-Nov-2003 14:40 Wind Speed 23.7 Mph