Addon UI-View and UI-View32

Addon's which can be used with UI-View32

  • UI-Store and Forward

    Inspired by Barry KC6OXK

    1. Stores messages until they are either forwarded or deleted
    2. Stores messages to disk on close down
    3. Great way to store messages whilst waiting for a radio path to open up
    4. Fairly configurable
    5. Can forward a bulletin from one UI-SF to another through the use of forwarding partners
    6. Converter between maidenhead, latitude/longitude ( and decimal)

    Help File returned by ?SFINFO

    1. You can store APRS message(s) on this server which will
    2. be sent when the target station sends a beacon. To use this
    3. server send a message to M0CYP In the text of the message
    4. put a hash after the callsign then the msg example: TARGET#Quick 1
    5. You can also send a bulletin by doing BULL#Hello World
    • UI-Store And Forward screenshot
    • UI-Store And Forward screenshot
    • Setting Up Fowarding Partners:

      UI-Store And Forward screenshot
    • Use your favorite APRS program to send a message. The following is an example using UI-View

      Example Sending A message